And it was my pleasure with the history I have with most of them. I already knew Jason Dean, and had a big crush on him. I had the pleasure of being fucked by Jake Corwin just the day before in our 3-way with Duke Rivers. And I had made out with Ligee at some parties so all I had to do with him was prepare myself to take in his big dick. The only new face to me for that scene was Chris Crawford, and why would I have a problem with him? He's already a tall cutie clothed, then when he's naked you see has also has a nice ass and a cock that can shoot buckets of cum. My only problem was that Jason Dean got that cumbath instead of me.
The beauty of the European Gay Porn Awards is that their chosen by YOU. So you can go to their website, register, and put in your votes. And don't worry, registering is no big deal. Just put in a first name, a last name, and a valid email address, and you're good to go. Just wait for your confirmation email, vote, then your vote is locked in. There are movies from a variety of countries so all of you fans, whether you're American, European, South American, etc. somewhere, many of you will find your continent represented. So check it out, and take advantage of a chance to make your voice heard of what you like in porn. Vote smart. And GOOD LUCK to all nominees in all categories.
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