So the following is an open letter of that email:
Hello Steven.
As a former gay porn actor, knowing that I've been eyewitness to all that leads to these porn actor deaths made me unable to sit through all of what you wrote.
For the reason so many porn actors die young is because the industry preys upon their desperation for validation. I knew because I like "Alex" came from a religious upbringing. And after my first day on a porn set, I felt sexually liberated. Like my having gay sex for all the world to see validated my degree of homosexuality. But when confronted with the racism, I saw the truth of the industry and how much bad we were contributing to the gay community. For whether studios admit it or not (and practically all won't), gay porn is a teacher to a newly out gay, and has taught many of the older gays now of how to interact with each other. It is for this reason that the community is also to blame for these porn actor deaths.
For the gay community needs to stop letting gay porn be its teacher of how to interact with other gay males. Just because we're gay doesn't mean that we have to be rebellious like teenagers, and spit on what our straight parents taught us about courtship and commitment. But the gay community led by gay porn's illusion of how we are to interact with each other does it all the time.
And why are gay porn actors treated like the community's heroes? For seeing them at bar events as go-go boys, these white and Latino go-go boys are the most obnoxious with a sense of entitlement that is sickening. They have no work ethic whatsoever. Why? Because the racism of the industry makes them feel like the world is theirs. But give it a few months to a year, and reality kicks in. And they need drugs & alcohol to numb themselves to the reality.
Maybe my being a man of color who wasn't the white-ordained picture of black male beauty kept me grounded in knowing that my opportunities in the business were slim, which made me keep my work ethic in check. So in that case, being black and not a sell-out were a blessing as to why I'm alive today.
Now, while I didn't read to entire article, one of the things that made me stop was my absolute disgust at Conner Habib, and you giving him a platform to speak ignorance such as this from your article:

When I spoke to Habib, he stressed to me how empowering porn can be. "You learn how to have sex with people you're not attracted to and you learn to perform all sorts of acts that would normally be exhausting. It's a really intense skill set, and the people who succeed are the people who do it well, who can perform."
Let me tell you firsthand, porn STARTS OUT making you feel empowered, but soon after, if you ever stop to get your sense of self back, you'll see it's all an ILLUSION. For what stable-minded human being wants to learn how to have sex with people they are not attracted to? If you say prostitutes, let me clearly state that for that reason, prostitutes are NOT stable-minded people. I've had prostituting moments in my porn career, and I knew that if I kept doing scenes under those conditions, I'd become like most gay males are thanks to emotional cripple. For sex be it with a life partner or one-night stand should be about a spiritual connection.
With that said, for Conner Habib to make such a statement, his "activism" is obviously to further make gay males self-loathing emotional cripples who do stupid shit because of that self-loathing. Therefore, if Conner Habib has any kind of degree in regards to mental health, then it needs to be revoked immediately.
Now, you have my permission to post this. I have no reason to hide the truth that I speak. Thank you.
Keep Being U2B. FREE,
LeNair Xavier originally gained notoriety in the underground as adult entertainer, "Tré Xavier". Now, since parting ways with the porn industry, he is making a brand of LeNair Xavier - as a writer, blogger, artist, performer, and model. Still demanding equality, and not just racial equality. But in all areas he believes in, and is asked to lend his voice.
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